Similar words: financial assets, financial advisor, financial, financially, financial crisis, financial system, financial strength, financial management. Meaning: n. assistance given in the form of money.
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1. Finally the government weighed in with financial aid.
2. Financial aid for Britain has been withheld.
3. Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
4. We were always lavish with financial aid in times of crisis.
5. We are moving ahead with plans to send financial aid.
6. More than 55 percent are receiving financial aid.
7. Are you still receiving financial aid?
8. His officials threatened to withhold future financial aid, or even to freeze existing programmes.
9. The Guild receives financial aid from the Council, and relies heavily on the enthusiasm and dedication of its members.
10. Students must contact the community college's financial aid office for an application.
11. It was also agreed that supplementary financial aid would come from the state.
12. They also want financial aid and technology transfer to be included in binding agreements.
13. There are two openings at the university for financial aid counselors.
14. First-year students receive all the financial aid needed in order to attend.
15. The amount of financial aid offered has become more central to students' decisions about which school to attend.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Who receives financial aid and how that-is determined hit very close to home for Scott.
17. Their aim was to see what incentive effects financial aid to poor families would produce.
18. Fifty students received financial aid ranging from $ 3, 000 to $ 12, 000.
19. What kind of financial aid can I apply for?
20. Would you talk about general policy for financial aid?
21. Financial aid granted in several forms.
22. They offer financial aid with no strings attached.
23. What's the financial aid a application from like?
24. The company chose Wrexham partly because of the generous financial aid available.
25. Other audit findings showed: Texas Southern University has mismanaged its $ 41 million federal student financial aid program.
26. Delegates from 50 colleges met to discuss the issue of financial aid.
27. New legislation, the Local Government and Planning Act 1980, changed the basis of financial aid to local government.
28. Today the mean yearly income of families of students receiving financial aid, she believes, is approximately $ 36, 000.
29. The new program comes as students are finalizing their financial aid packages for the upcoming school year.
30. Wilson and Connerly also are mulling a ban on using race as a criterion in awarding financial aid, the sources said.
More similar words: financial assets, financial advisor, financial, financially, financial crisis, financial system, financial strength, financial management, financial difficulties, financial intermediaries, financier, financing, refinancing, deficit financing, long-term financing, short-term financing, finance, finances, refinance, finance company, finance lease, corporate finance, complainant, provincial, balancing, dominance, luminance, ordinance, judicial activism, trial balance.